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学术航站楼  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-05 09:40


方向: 博士生 - 材料、纺织品和化学工程系 位置: 根特大学,比利时 截止日期:  2025-02-28 (Europe/Brussels) 项目介绍: Job description Controlling food texture has prominent implications ranging from food sustainability to its acceptability by individual consumers, passing through nutritional and health-related aspects. Food can be considered as a composite material whose texture is ruled by its microstructure, and therefore can be treated as a particle reinforced matrix generating the texture perceived by the consumer. Sustainability and food personalization motivate this interdisciplinary doctoral research that combines food engineering, rheology and computational mechanics of fluids and solids. A gelled emulsion will be designed as a food composite. The rheology-microstructure relationship will be modeled and linked to the final texture via 3D printing. In this doctoral research, a state-of-the-art computational multiscale framework for food eng ………………………………

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