点击下方名片关注我们 导读 刘德华在上海演唱会中险些从4米高舞台摔下,仍稳定完成表演。粉丝们心疼呼吁注意安全,华仔表示因粉丝支持成为巨星,感动落泪。他的自律和早年经历助其保持好体魄,在娱乐圈长盛不衰。 以下是外媒报道。 双语文本 Heavenly King Andy Lau kicked off his Today… Is The Day tour on July 5 at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai. Covering more than 30 of his most memorable hits over two-and-a-half hours, the show wasn't without controversy. 天王刘德华于7月5日在上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心开启了他的“Today… Is The Day”巡回演唱会。在两个半小时的演唱会中,刘德华演唱了30多首最令人难忘的热门歌曲,但这场演出也引发了不少争议。 While singing the 2002 hit 'Practice', Andy was seen sliding on his knees toward the edge of an unbarricaded platform approximately 4 meters off the ground. Videos of the inciden