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搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-05 13:32


▲   更多精品, 关注 “ 搜建筑 ” 沙夫贝格铁路于 1893 年投入运营,是奥地利最陡峭的蒸汽齿轨铁路。线路从山谷中的圣沃尔夫冈(St. Wolfgang)通往沙夫贝格山顶。山谷车站年久失修,已无法满足现代旅游业务的要求。2019 年,在欧盟范围内开展了一项公开竞争程序,共有 54 个参与者。最终项目于 2023 年 4 月完成。 The Schafbergbahn was put into operation in 1893 and is the steepest steam rack railway in Austria. The route leads from St. Wolfgang in the valley to the summit of the Schafberg. The valley station was getting on in years and could no longer meet the contemporary requirements of a tourist business. In 2019 an EU-wide open competition procedure was carried out with 54 participants. The resulting project was completed in April 2023. 山谷齿轮铁路站位于沃尔夫冈湖畔的沙夫贝格山脚下。它由一栋两层的主楼和一栋单层的外楼组成。它们与 ………………………………

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