专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 8.8):截止2025年3月31日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-17 12:54


Human-AI Collaboration for Engineering Designs and Services in the Evolution of Industry 5.0 and Beyond We extend an invitation to researchers, academics, and industry professionals to participate in a thorough examination of the field of human-AI collaboration as it develops in relation to engineering designs and services as Guest Editors of this special issue. The combination of AI and HI is changing the engineering design and service landscape in the age of digital transformation. In the context of engineering, this special issue seeks to investigate and present cutting-edge research, approaches, and case studies that demonstrate the dynamic interplay between human expertise and AI technologies. A wide range of subjects pertaining to human-AI collaboration in engineering designs and services will be covered. Among the possible topics of interest include, but not Theoretical foundations and concepts of human-AI collaboration on engineering designs and services Human-AI collaborative ………………………………

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