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几篇论文实现代码:《Jetfire: Efficient and-20240816175927

爱可可-爱生活  · 微博  · AI  · 2024-08-16 17:59


2024-08-16 17:59 本条微博链接 几篇论文实现代码: 《Jetfire: Efficient and Accurate Transformer Pretraining with INT8 Data Flow and Per-Block Quantization》(ICML 2024) GitHub: github.com/thu-ml/Jetfire-INT8Training 《ClimODE: Climate and Weather Forecasting With Physics-informed Neural ODEs》(ICLR 2024) GitHub: github.com/Aalto-QuML/ClimODE [fig4] 《NetTrack: Tracking Highly Dynamic Objects with a Net》(CVPR 2024) GitHub: github.com/George-Zhuang/NetTrack 《XoFTR: Cross-modal Feature Matching Transformer》(CVPR 2024) GitHub: github ………………………………

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