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【直播】【复旦理论物理报告会】Classical code theory for fault-tolerant……

蔻享学术  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-06 00:00


复旦理论物理报告会 Classical code theory for fault-tolerant quantum computing 2024年6月7日 9:30 蔻享学术 扫码查看精彩直播 // 报告人简介 李颖 Ying Li, a Professor at the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics. He works on the quantum computing theory, including quantum error correction, quantum error mitigation, the network architecture of quantum computing and quantum algorithms. He obtained his bachelor and master degrees at Nankai University in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and his PhD degree at the National University of Singapore in 2013. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford for four years, then joined the Graduate School of CAEP in 2017. 报告摘要 In fault-tolerant quantum computing, quantum algorithms are implemented through quantum circuits that can correct errors. Usually, these circuits are built based on specific quantum error correction codes. This talk will introduce a mathematical tool for the design ………………………………

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