随着新学期艺术活动的陆续推出, 这篇攻略,想必你已经等了很久! 校内师生 如何买票?如何入场? 快来看看讲小堂为你准备的贴心超全攻略吧。 0 1 购票 - Purchasing Tickets - 为了给大家提供更优质的购票、观演体验,讲堂售票活动在开票后,观众可通过 线上、线下 双重渠道选座购票。 For a better ticketing and show experience, PKU Hall offers online and offline ticketing channels. 线下购票 Offline Ticketing 地点:讲堂东门售票窗口 时间:周一至周日10:00-13:00 16:00-19:30 (线下购票支持现金、支付宝和校园卡三种支付方式) Location: PKU Hall East Door Ticket Office Time: Monday to Sunday, 10:00-13:00 16:00-19:30 (We accept cash, Alipay and campus card as payment methods) 线上购票Online Ticketing 01 关注公众号Follow Official Account 关注“北大讲堂online”微信公众号 Scan the QR Code and follow the "北大讲