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与年轻一代创造更多的线下交流互动 I 马自达城市展厅

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-26 08:40


© 黑曜石建筑空间摄影 项目背景 | Project Background 马自达选择在南京国家领军创业人才产业园(简称国创园)打造长马城市中心新业态体验空间,旨在满足当下年轻一代汽车用户的需求,以及展现品牌文化和价值。这一决策源于对当下消费者的认识:如果汽车不能每次上车都带来兴奋,那它就只是一种工具,而在这种情况下,为何不选择公共交通?这种理念驱使着马自达寻求创新,希望为年轻消费者提供更具乐趣和活力的线下体验空间,并与他们建立更密切的互动关系。 Mazda has chosen to create a new business experience space in the Changma City Center at the National Leading Entrepreneurship Talent Industrial Park (referred to as the National Innovation Park) in Nanjing, aiming to meet the needs of the younger generation of car users and showcase brand culture and values. This decision stems from the understanding of current consume ………………………………

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