大家好,本期是 跟着顶刊作图系列第33期 ,本系列主要是学习顶刊作图思路,激发作图灵感!今天分享的是 Nature Communications 期刊中科研图片,其 精致美观,元素搭配、字体及配色等可以重点参考! 相信我们也可以做到这样! (本期送福利,文末免费抽送科研绘图教程书籍!) Title: High-resolution impact-based early warning system for riverine flooding Fig. 1 | A holistic end-to-end impact-based flood forecasting modelling chain. Fig. 2. Ensemble predictions of precipitation and water levels from the ICON_D2_EPS-mHM chain. Fig. 3. The maximum flood lead-time warning based on the ICON_D2_EPSmHM-RIM2D FEWS chain. Fig. 4. Uncertainty representation of the forecasted inundated area downstream of the Altenahr gauge. 资源来源: Najafi, H., Shrestha, P.K., Rakovec, O. et al. High-resolution impact-based early warning system for riverine flooding. Nat Commun 15 , 3726 (2024). https:/