导读 近日,多名游客反映在江苏泰州动物园内发现两只奇奇怪怪的“熊猫犬”,有网友晒出的泰州动物园门票上确实印有“熊猫犬见面会”字样。网友拍摄的视频显示,这两只“熊猫犬”周身颜色与真正的熊猫十分相似,但是走路时“摇头晃脑”的样子又像小狗。 “熊猫犬”爆火后,动物园方对媒体透露,它们其实是两只被染成大熊猫样貌的松狮犬。泰州动物园的这一举措,引发了公众对动物园营销底线的广泛讨论。 Two small dogs resembling pandas at a zoo in Taizhou, Jiangsu province, have sparked discussions among Chinese netizens recently about animal abuse and consumer fraud. A video captured by a netizen in early May showed the two "panda dogs". They had fur patterns resembling that of pandas, but they were clearly dogs. An official description of the animals at the zoo states that "panda dogs" are not a specific purebred, but rather pet dog