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每日听写飞鸟集| He's Just Not That Into You 04

TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-03-12 07:00
点击蓝字 关注我们~ 每日听写周末特别版电影对白愿你爱上里面的花儿雨滴见信如晤思卿念卿唯愿能见卿抑或纪录片爱与宇宙 生命与歌在留言板留下你喜欢的句子便是每日听写的《飞鸟集》第284期戏剧REC本文挖了几个空试着填出来吧~He ordered more drinks for us when the waitress came. - Ok. 那个女侍应过来的时候他特地多点了几杯饮料。- 嗯。He remembered exactly what I wanted. 他完全记得我想要什么。He initiated the hug. He said it was nice meeting me. 他主动拥抱我。他说很高兴认识我。So wait. This was at the end of the date or the beginning of the date? 等一下,这是你们约会开始时,还是约会结束时?End. Why, does it matter? 约会结束时,怎么了?很重要吗?Yeah. "Nice meeting you" at the beginning of the date, that's normal. 当然了,如果开始时说"很高兴认识你",这很正常。"Nice meeting you" at the end of the date... ………………………………

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