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小米SU7 I 解密小米汽车M9技术体验展厅设计

策站  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-14 08:40


3月28日,备受期待的小米汽车上市发布会盛大亮相,小米汽车SU7的神秘面纱已经全部揭开。小米汽车作为新一代智能网联新能源汽车的典范,以其人、车、家全生态理念入局,用深厚的技术底蕴和市场敏锐度,迅速成为了关注焦点。在这场盛大活动背后,令人眼前一亮的还有精心打造的北京小米汽车M9技术体验展厅。 On March 28, the highly anticipated millet car listing conference made a grand debut, and the mysterious veil of millet car SU7 has been fully unveiled. Xiaomi Automobile, as a model of a new generation of intelligent networked new energy vehicles, entered the game with the whole ecological concept of people, cars and homes, and quickly became the focus of attention with its deep technical background and market acumen. Behind this grand event, there is also the carefully built Beijing Xiaomi M9 technology experience exhibition hall.  小米汽车M9技术体验展厅   Xia ………………………………

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