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孔祥伟新作 | 思想游园—物外剧场、超然亭与逍遥阁

建筑师疯人院  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-21 23:02


来自:孔祥伟工作室 △ 思想游园 ©直译建筑摄影 山中造园 泉山云顶,山东日照的一个景区,座落于河山南麓一隅。有河谷森林、泉水溪流,亦有山野民宿、茶馆工坊,景区草木丰茂,游人络绎不绝。 Quanshan Yunding, a scenic spot in Rizhao, Shandong Province, is located in a corner of the southern foot of the river mountain. There are river valley forests, springs and streams, as well as mountain lodgings and teahouses, and the scenic area is rich in grass and trees, with an endless stream of tourists. △ 夜幕中的物外剧场 ©直译建筑摄影 今春,园主孙胜邀我在茶园民宿间造园,我们围炉夜话,讨论如何让人们在游园的同时获得些许思想上的收获,聊及庄子、陶渊明及隐逸思想,造园命题遂即“思想游园”。 This spring, the owner of the garden Sun Sheng invited me to create a garden in the teahouse lodging, we talked around the fireplace at night, ………………………………

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