Anhui Xinhua Media (601801 CH) 24Q3點評:主業保持穩健,在手現金充裕 24Q3E results review: core business was stable with sufficient cash in hand BUY (maintain) 投資要點/Investment Thesis 投資要點/Investment Thesis 事件: 公司於近日披露2024年第三季度報告。2024年第三季度,公司實現營業收入31.25億元,同比減少16.6%;歸母淨利潤2.33億元,同比減少10.09%;所得稅費用0.5億元,有效稅率為17%;扣非淨利潤1.63億元,同比減少41.6%;截至三季度末,現金合計105.82億元。 24Q3E textbooks business was stable; general books and AV dragged by macros Anhui Xinhua Media recently released unaudited results for 24Q3E: •Revenue arrived at RMB3.13bn, down 16.6% yoy; •Net profit was RMB233m, 10.09% lower yoy; Xinhua paid RMB50m in income taxes (effectively a tax rate of 17%) and ex-nonrecurring net profit came to RMB163m, down 41.6% yoy; •Cash: RMB10.58bn as of end-24Q3. 教材圖書基