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TheOneInterpreting口译圈  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-17 06:00
The One DailyOct.17A simple white plastic footstool that tucks under your toilet has made one Utah family multimillionaires.“Now everyone is like, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’” said Bobby Edwards, the creator and CEO of Squatty Potty. “I have proven a lot of people wrong, and it’s felt really good.” 事件背景:Source: 留学帝 丨ukyingwen先甩一个羞羞的话题:大家都是怎么如厕的? 是喜欢优雅式的马桶还是粗犷式的蹲坑?君君觉得,大部分中国人都应该有蹲坑的酸爽记忆吧。 后来大抵是西方文明入侵,优雅要跟国际接轨,中国也陆续变成马桶的天下了。 但可爱的百姓都不是很待见马桶,要不怎么一个个卫生间都要张贴“请勿站在马桶上的”告示呢。 文明的代价:上个厕所不痛快? 但是你知道吗? 中国式蹲坑正在席卷全 ………………………………

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