"Into the Mortal World," a 3D animated film produced in Guangdong and based on a traditional Chinese fantasy, will be available nationwide to audiences on July 12th. On June 29th, a conference was held in Beijing where the movie's creation process, art styles, and underlying philosophy were shared with the public. Representatives from Winsing Animation, the Guangdong studio behind the film's production, along with industry experts and scholars, were actively engaged in the discussions. "Into the Mortal World" is inspired by the ancient Chinese folktale "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl" and tells the story of their descendants. It follows Jinfeng, the son of the Weaver Girl, as he descends to the mortal realm to redeem his mother by capturing the stars. Unexpectedly, he allies with Xiaofan, a mortal girl determined to ascend to the heavens to find her own mother. According to Winsing, "Into the Mortal World" was completed by over 50 top production teams and more than 2,000 animation art