powerhouse /ˈpaʊə.haʊs/ 表示“强国;权势集团;显贵;身强体壮的人;精力充沛的人”,英文解释为“a country, organization, or person with a lot of influence, power, or energy”举个🌰:Germany is an economic powerhouse. 德国是经济强国。 近日,2024英雄联盟全球总决赛,来自韩国LCK赛区的T1战队击败中国LPL赛区的BLG战队,收获队史第五座世界赛冠军。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. How did the match between T1 and BLG unfold, according to the article? A) T1 won the first two games and then lost the last three. B) BLG took an early lead, but T1 came back to secure the final win. C) The games were evenly split until BLG won the decisive match. D) T1 dominated every game, leading to an easy victory. 无注释原文: Faker's T1 Retain League Of Legends World Title From: AFP South Korean giants T1, led by "Faker", won their fifth League of Legends world championship crown in London on Sat