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应届 | 韦莱韬悦咨询 - Graduate Analyst (Actuarial)-Retirement Consulting

港漂圈求职  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-04-25 08:30
点击上方“港漂圈求职”关注我们Willis Towers Watson是一家领先的全球性咨询、经纪和解决方案公司,帮助世界各地的客户把风险变成增长机遇。自1828 年成立以来,Willis Towers Watson 已在120 多个国家拥有39,000 名员工。公司员工满意度不错,公司效率高,员工比较开心。Graduate Analyst (Actuarial) - Retirement Consulting, Hong Kong1职位描述Clients:1. Assist consultants to provide support on client projects involving the design, funding, pricing, implementation and management of a full array of retirement programs.2. Perform actuarial and financial valuations in accordance with regulations and applicable accounting standards.Excellence:1. Follow standardized work processes that ensure quality service and deliverables to clients.2. Monitor project plan to ensure work is delivered on time, ………………………………

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