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1023 | All Sounds Flash @/\||

All俱乐部  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-21 17:42


2024.10.23 - WED 周三 All Sounds Flash 每周三All Sounds Flash 供新鲜面孔崭露头角,蓄势闪动带来意想不到的声音。报名请发送个人资料、联系方式、音乐风格及Mixtape至All官方微信号 All-Club 或活动负责人微信 Atiro2000,添加时请备注:All Sounds Flash 报名。 Every Wednesday All Sounds Flash is a chance for fresh faces to emerge and shine with unexpected sounds. To apply, please send your profile and contact information, music style and Mixtape to All’s official WeChat account All-Club or the event leader’s WeChat account Atiro2000. When adding, please note: All Sounds Flash registration. LINEUP salmonofthedoubt|Ryo|VIZ|howtodo 21:30—22:30 howtodo 22:30—23:30 salmonofthedoubt 23:30—00:30 VIZ 00:30—01:30 Ryo 01:30—Late B2B salmonofthedoubt 每年的夏季与秋季,三文鱼会从海洋中洄游到出生河流的上游产卵。它们有着强烈的归巢本能,认为自己出生地是最适合自己后 ………………………………

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