专栏名称: 搜建筑
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搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-06 15:08


▲   更多精品, 关注 “ 搜建筑 ” Konrad Lorenz 中学是下奥地利州 Gänserndorf 市最大的综合建筑,可容纳约 1000 名学生。然而,现有学校的单层教室和长长的走廊已不再适合这项任务。因此,我们为总共 40 个班级设计了新的空间概念。我们对南北两侧的现有建筑进行了翻新和改造,并在它们之间插入了一个新的连接结构,从而形成了一个现代而友好的学校建筑群,让教师和学生都能感受到家的温馨。 Accommodating around 1000 students, the Konrad Lorenz Secondary School is the largest building complex in the city of Gänserndorf in Lower Austria. However, the existing somber school, with its single-story classroom wings and long corridors, was no longer fit for the task. So we developed a new spatial concept for a total of 40 classes. We renovated and adapted the existing buildings to the north and south and inserted a new connecting structure between them, whi ………………………………

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