专栏名称: TeacherGwen
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TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-04-28 06:00
28星期五2023年4月今天是GWEN听写陪你的第2129天 第1800篇材料GWEN听写团队_初级你有没有感觉到墙正在向你逼近_听写三步骤第一步   泛听,可辅助填空 听写方法:完整的听一遍所有内容,对听写内容有大概的了解,并且抓住了一些核心词汇,为等一下的听写初步减轻难度。* 填空式的泛听练习只是一种练习形式,能让同学们在泛听时有重点的集中注意力。如果觉得看了文本对后续精听有影响,同学也可采取直接泛听而不看文本的方式。今日材料填空练习Hey, what happened to Chad? I haven't seen him around DC lately.1__________________ somewhere in the desert.The desert? What made him do that?He said 2___________________ and 3_____________________. He needed more space and open skies!I can understand that. Sometimes 4____________________. But moving to the desert is 5_________________.He'll be back. 6__________________ that it takes him 30 minu ………………………………

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