01 CASA MOITA SANTA 莫伊塔圣诞老人之家 Located in Santiago da Guarda, Leiria, Casa Moita Santa is built in a
setting characterized by the presence of oak trees and the occasional
presence of piles of stones on the site. The concept of the house was
born not only in response to the location, but also to the needs of the
clients: to offer privacy from the public highway and the need to
include a basement. In this sense, the main objective was to try to hide
the basement from the street. Casa
Moita Santa
位于莱里亚的圣地亚哥达瓜尔达,周围环绕着橡树,偶尔还有成堆的石头。房屋概念的诞生不仅是为了响应其位置,也是为了满足客户的需求:提供远离公共高速公路的隐私以及需要包括地下室。从这个意义上说,主要目标是试图将地下室隐藏在街道上。 In this way, the first floor benefits from the -1 floor, which functions
as an element based on only four structural elements, capable of