作者微信:UCPMTangYuan(可联系我沟通一切事宜) 加群,提问题,成为VIP会员,合作,企业服务...... 只翻译,不对文中观点做任何表态 I recently attended a very popular IoT
conference in Silicon Valley. During a presentation, the keynote speaker asked
the audience, “Who here is building a connected product?” About two-thirds of
the audience raised their hand. Then he asked, “Who is making money with IoT
today?” No hands went up. 我最近在硅谷参加了一个非常受欢迎的物联网会议。在一次演讲中,主讲人问听众:“谁在构建互联产品?”大约三分之二的听众举手。然后他问:“现在有谁通过物联网赚钱?”无人举手。 This little engagement trick reinforced the
fact that many companies are jumping into building IoT products without a
business plan. They are able to build the product from a technology
perspective, but they are not able to make money. And as you know, that’s