专栏名称: 暗的光
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主题放映 | 软科幻

暗的光  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-28 17:50


Soft Science Fiction Soft Science Fiction 7月主题放映 X 什么是软科幻? This not very precise item of sf Terminology, formed by analogy with Hard SF, is generally applied either to sf that deals with the Soft Sciences or to sf that does not deal with recognizable science at all, but emphasizes human feelings. The contrasting of soft sf with hard sf is sometimes illogical. Stories of Psi Powers or Supermen, for example, have little to do with real science, but are regularly regarded by sf readers as hard sf. The New Wave was generally associated with soft sf; Cyberpunk falls somewhere between the two. -SF Encyclopedia.com “软科幻”不是一个准确的科幻术语,它通过对比“硬科幻”而形成,通常被用于描述那些处理“软科学”的科幻作品或者那些根本不处理可认知科学,但强调人类情感的科幻作品。“软科幻”与“硬科幻”的对比有时候是缺乏逻辑性的,比如,关于心灵感知能力和超人 ………………………………

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