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aMaverick6  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-05-11 12:12
更新预告你好,请查收今天的阅读/翻译材料。下回讲解这篇文章,来源于4月份《中国日报》的一篇文章,你是文中Dolly,还是Lily?福利继续:独立完成后可将个别段落的译文发至后台,随机翻牌个别幸运儿进行点评,没挑到的同学无需失落,后续还会推送参考译文。下下回更新CATTI真题,真题多数来源于报刊,平时可以多看看,各种类型的材料也都可以练习,不必拘泥于所谓的“政经”文本或外刊。原文Women are increasingly saying bu yao to marriageBy Cristina Pastor | China DailyMy friend Dolly is getting married in April. But if COVID-19 numbers continue to climb, there is the chance the wedding may have to be postponed. The gregarious Dolly is unworried. By Chinese law, she is already considered “married” having secured a matrimonial certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau. In fact, she speaks of her boyfriend to her friends as “ ………………………………

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