专栏名称: 学术航站楼
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学术航站楼  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-13 09:48


方向: 博士后职位: "多组学液体活检推进精准医疗" 位置: 鲁汶大学,比利时 截止日期: 2025-01-30 (Europe/Brussels) 项目介绍: The laboratory of Prof. Vermeesch translates and implements novel genomic technologies to improve patient care. We use liquid biopsies as a biomarker to monitor and provide early detection of genic and non-genic diseases. Prof. Vermeesch is scientific director of the genomics core facility. Website unit Responsibilities We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated candidate to start a postdoctoral trajectory in liquid biopsy method development for improved cancer and prenatal management. The project has a strong focus on novel design and implementation of different (Bio)IT pipelines and tools. and. As such, you integrate different large scale multi omic data sources. Being a key member, you will lead, coordinate and mentor the bioinformatics team. You have a PhD degree in Engineering, Bioinformatics or Biomedical scie ………………………………

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