关键观点1: 职位概述
关键观点2: 主要任务
关键观点3: 任职要求
关键观点4: 工作地点与福利
About the Job We are looking for a quantitative wildlife ecologist to join our team to estimate white-tailed deer density and group size using camera traps. We are excited about recruiting an individual with specific skills in wildlife density estimation using camera traps, spatial ecology and GIS, statistical inference, and/or machine learning. The task of the new team member will be to estimate white-tailed deer density, group size, and habitat selection based on deer radio collar data and a 100 camera trap grid in suburban park reserves. The post-doctoral researcher will be responsible for coordinating a team to keep the cameras running, developing a data pipeline for the images, estimating local deer density and group size (seasonally if possible), and writing manuscripts. This postdoc would be part of a larger team to better understand white-tailed deer movement, habitat use, and disease dynamics at the suburban/agricultural interface. Additionally, this postdoc can work closely w