写论文就好比讲故事,第一重要的是弄清什么事情该说,什么事情不该说,什么事情先说,什么事情后说,说到怎样的深度。而这些东西,取决于研究的核心命题。 本期案例来自 BMC Surgery 上的论文,向大家分析审稿人的心理活动,什么情况下会对您的论文产生重大质疑。 案例解析 论文标题 The safety and short-term effect of mixed approach in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for right colon cancer compared with middle approach: a retrospective study 腹腔镜下右半结肠切除中间入路与混合入路安全性和短期效应的对比:一个回顾性研究 论文摘要结果部分,总共3句话:There were no significant differences in age, sex, BMI, ASA grade and tumor characteristics between the two groups. Compared with the middle approach group, the mixed approach group was significantly lower in terms of operation time (217.61 min vs 154.31 min, p < 0.001), intraoperative bl