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TeacherGwen  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-09-06 06:00
汉语中,我们常说,这简直就是对牛弹琴,那么在英语中如何表达?是否真和“牛”有关系?今天我们就来一探究竟吧~~先来一段视频了解一下情景哈~~影视对接点击边框调出视频工具条     了解语境,请戳视频《绝望主妇》SubtitleSo. . . Richard, we know that you like sailing. What about you, Mary? Do you have any hobbies?Ask him.Excuse me?He has known me for 35 years. I'd be curious if he could name even one thing I like to do. Um. . . Bitch?No. The stripper's name was Ginger. Cinnamon was her sister. Killed by a cab.You're not happy unless you have something to complain about. Dad, Mom. Come on. You're guests here.Why do I even bother? It's like talking to a wall.A wall that paid for your medical school after your homemade wooden puzzle business went belly-up.And everything you ever did was a success? Iraq? Nice job!I caught some shrapnel in Korea. Came this close to being a lady.See, Bree? This is just what ………………………………

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