1 写在前面 2024 年第二期翻译打卡营 4位一笔,3位二笔 30天录播课程 既有中译英,也有英译中。 从翻译的流程策略, 英汉语言特点,方法,类型, 背景知识到细致的语言点, 我们都逐一讲解以及答疑,让同学们吃透翻译。 点击下图,即可了解翻译打卡营详情! 2 精读|翻译|词组 Cover Story How we chose this week’s image This week’s cover was difficult. It was about the worst humanitarian crisis in the world: the terrible and poorly understood war in Sudan. This is a conflict that erupted out of pure, cynical ambition. Two ruthless military chiefs seized power in a coup, then fell out and started fighting each other. Over the past 500 days or so Sudan has become an inferno. Soldiers and militiamen have killed, burned and raped with impunity. Some 10m people—a fifth of the population—have fled from their homes. Famine is spreading, imperilling millions. As Africa’s third-largest n