专栏名称: 三明治
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从非虚构如何跨越到短篇小说? / 在UEA做写作Fellow的体验 |新写作Xin Writing

三明治  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-13 15:08


本周我想来谈一谈,创意写作中非虚构和虚构的切换体验。 大学毕业以来,我已经有20多年没写过虚构类作品。我的虚构能力几乎生锈了。有一度,我不能直接感受虚构的意义。在UEA读书期间,我才体会到虚构作品里面的真实性。“虚构是另一种意义的真实。” 美国作家和剧作家David Shields在 Reality Hunger 一书中写道: Nonfiction writers imagine. Fiction writers invent. These are fundamentally different acts, performed to different ends. Unlike a fiction reader, whose only task is to imagine, a nonfiction reader is asked to behave more deeply: to imagine, and also to believe. Fiction doesn’t require its readers to believe; in fact,  it offers its readers the great freedom of experience without belief —something real life can’t do. Fiction gives us a rhetorical question: “What if this happened?” (The best) nonfiction gives us a statement, something more complex: “This may hav ………………………………

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