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Revival of Ancient Arts: Dong cloth inheritance thrives

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-07-29 11:37


As a country with a rich history and magnificent civilization, China has witnessed the passing down of numerous forms of intangible cultural heritage which continue to flourish to this day. China Daily recently launched the documentary series Revival of Ancient Arts , filming inheritors and modern artists who are dedicated to preserving and reviving ancient arts. ▲ Yang Shenghua (right), an inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage, weaves Dong cloth with her mother. Dong cloth, a traditional handmade fabric produced by the Dong ethnic group, boasts a history of more than 1,000 years. In traditional Dong culture, every woman masters both the art of weaving Dong cloth and creating the handmade festive attire of the Dong people. The third episode of the documentary shines a light on the traditional skill of making Dong cloth. It showcases the meticulous process of Dong cloth creation, and also highlights the efforts of local women who innovate through collaborations with modern de ………………………………

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