背景介绍: 随着数字媒体的崛起,纸质旅行指南曾被视为行将消亡的传统媒介。然而,尽管面临智能手机普及和新媒体冲击,这类指南展现出惊人的韧性,销量在英国等地保持稳定甚至回升。尽管新冠疫情重创行业,但市场正逐步复苏。旅行指南通过独特魅力、自我革新及精准定位,如强调真实性、筛选信息及品牌信任,持续吸引读者,证明了其在信息时代的不可替代性。 Why travel
guidebooks are not going anywhere 为什么旅行指南不会走向消亡 Despite
predictions that the internet would kill them 尽管有人预言互联网会使其消亡 They declared that it was dead—or, if it wasn’t dead
yet, it soon would be. The cause of the malady was viral: first blogs, then
influencers on Instagram and TikTok. 尽管预言纷纷,声称纸质旅行指南已步入消亡的倒计时,事实却以其坚韧的生命力反驳了这一论调。从博客的