▲ 更多精品, 关注 “ 搜建筑 ” Ginsen Nishi Shimbashi 大厦,一幢木质包檐的办公楼 - 该项目是位于东京市中心的一幢相对紧凑的租户建筑。该项目面向十字路口,位于地铁站正上方,是大手町至日比谷大街一系列大型开发项目的终点。从这里可以俯瞰日比谷公园外护城河沿岸的高楼大厦。 Ginsen Nishi Shimbashi Building, an Office Building with Sweeping Wood-clad Eaves - This project involves a relatively compact tenant building situated in the heart of Tokyo. Facing an intersection, the site is located directly above a subway station at the end of a series of large-scale developments stretching from Otemachi to Hibiya Street. It offers a panoramic view of the high rises standing along the inner moat beyond Hibiya Park. 设计围绕三个主题展开:"作为吟森品牌旗舰建筑的象征意义"、"作为租户建筑的合理性 "以及 "没有大规模开发的办公建筑丰富城市