从小到大,我们学了无数门课程,遇见了无数位老师,却从来没有人教过我们,如何让自己幸福。 这一期双语阅读专栏,想分享给大家一篇纳瓦尔的短文《幸福习惯》。 在纳瓦尔看来,获取幸福是一种技能,可以通过学习获得。 HAPPINESS HABITS 幸福习惯 作者 | Naval 原著 | 《纳瓦尔宝典》 译者| 赵灿 I have a series of tricks I use to try and be happier in the moment. At first, they were silly and difficult and required a lot of attention, but now some of them have become second nature. By doing them religiously, I’ve managed to increase my happiness level quite a bit. 我有一系列可以帮助我活在当下、提升幸福感的技巧。刚开始,这些技巧看上去有些傻里傻气,很难掌握,需要集中注意力才能做到。但现在,大部分技巧已经成为我的第二天性。我认真虔诚地运用这些技巧,成功地提高了自己的幸福指数。 religious