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Nium 在 Capital Tower 的新总部,新加坡

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-10 07:00


Encapsulating Nium’s high-growth vision for global money movement, the innovative design of their new headquarters at Capital Tower boasts a similar energy. Eschewing the traditional hierarchical structure and uniformity in design, Nium’s new workspace embraces a dynamic and lively office layout that is interspersed with surprising elements of play.  Nium 在 Capital Tower 的新总部的创新设计体现了 Nium 对全球资金流动的高增长愿景,拥有类似的能量。Nium 的新工作空间避开了传统的等级结构和统一的设计,采用了动态和生动的办公室布局,并穿插了令人惊讶的游戏元素。 Breaking Down Barriers Between Work and Play 打破工作和娱乐之间的障碍 The office design champions activity and movement, with exercise facilities such as climbing walls, monkey bars, punching bags and ping-pong tables that encourage the Nium team to take breaks throughout the workday. Not only does this freedom encourage employ ………………………………

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