对于很多北京人来说,去“老莫 ” 餐厅,在充满俄式风格的装潢中,听着《 莫斯科郊外的晚上 》悠扬的曲调,吃着红菜汤和罐焖牛肉,就仿佛穿越到了遥远的莫斯科。那感觉,倍儿地道! 北京莫斯科餐厅 图源:中国日报 所以,一提到莫斯科,北京人会想到的不仅是俄罗斯的首都,还有那家被亲切称为“老莫 ” 的餐厅。 When
you mention Moscow to people in Beijing, they think of more than just the
capital of Russia. They also think of a restaurant known as "Lao Mo " . 坐落于北京展览馆西侧的老莫,其实叫作莫斯科餐厅 ,在 1954年10月开业。对于老北京人来说,“老莫 ” 餐厅不仅仅是品尝俄餐的地方,更承载着一代人的城市记忆,成为北京人了解俄罗斯文化的窗口。 Situated
next to the Beijing Exhibition Center, "Lao Mo" is actually called
the Moscow Restaurant. It opened in October 1954. In the hearts of Beijin